This is just a note on where to find a copy of River Girl.
Right now I’ve still not published the book in Kindle format – that’s coming next.
The book is available online at Amazon and CreateSpace.
If you’re here in Happy Camp, California, you can buy the book at the Marble Mountain Gift Company, at the Bigfoot Deli on Highway 96, and at the Chamber of Commerce office.
[Update, 2016 – they are probably sold out by now – I left Happy Camp a few years ago. As far as I know, the book is only available online at]
The book costs $10.95 for a trade paperback. I was hoping that would make it affordable for most people.
When it is released on Kindle, the price will be much less. I am more interested in having people read the story, than in making a lot of money!
Claire’s story is one most children will resonate with, no matter where in the world they live. It is mostly a “girl book” but there are boy characters as well: her brother, Toby, and his best friend, Jake.
Other characters are a Chinese doctor, Claire and Toby’s parents, some gold miners, and a family living nearby in the woods near Happy Camp. There’s also a mysterious Karuk (Native American) girl named Louisa living on the other side of the Klamath River.